Women, enough is enough. Stand akimbo and look at that piece of shit trying to turn you into minced meat. Think of the best way to hurt him so that when he looks at the wound even when it has healed, it will remind him NEVER to touch you again.
We have had so many cases of women being battered by their men or husbands for that matter. But very few, if ever, possible cases of women battering their husbands. Unfortunately a big percentage of the battered women will keep their mouths shut. Mbu for love!
Women stand up for your rights:
Lesson one: Try and get an angle of the man's instrument and either kick it or bite it with all the might in the world. This way you will have knocked some sense in the fool's head. Yes, let him know that you have a weapon. Cripple the bloody instrument because usually what happens after a woman is battered, the man tends to top it up with a few rounds, of you know what.
Lesson two: Run for your life and do not even attempt to look back. Men will be men and will never change. RUN and run really HARD.
Lesson three: Go for self defense lessons privately and practise them on the fool at one time. Show him that you can fight back.
Lesson four: Do not even shed a tear. Tears are women's weakness. Use lip service like never before. Remember to keep those grotesquely manicured nails long. Use them like no problem.
Lesson five: Wait for the man to doze off, then clobber like there is no tomorrow.
By the way is it true that some women love being beaten up by their men? Mbu it shows that the man cares for her?
For the world, we were not born to be battered, this ain't love! Period! This beast is trying his best to flush his frustrations down your throat through battering. We are moving onto gender equality. Equality does not stop at the office but even at home. Precisely it is everywhere.
So for all the women out there who wish to use these tactics, please feel free and do write to the rest of us, so that we know the repercussions. Arent we human beings with IQs higher animals? Why not stop this battering and sort things out amicably au sio?
I see you're an extreme one.
I am not sure there is a violent solution to violence. For one, I think women don't have any business getting even with an abusive guy. There is always the pack-up-and-leave option. I mean, the incapability to leave is such a big vulnerability, and an abusive partner will use it to the maximum. I think it is the only thing that cuts across relationships that are abusive. The incapability to pack up and leave.
I have fought the browser to post this! Blogger is being an idiot, for real.
@27th. Very hard to pack up and leave if you do not control the resources especially in very patriachial societies.
unless u are married to a little twit, cant beat them physically.And normally its little guys with a Hitler complex, get him good.
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