Friday, May 11, 2007

Of irritating been-tos

Once I was seated at a courier reception waiting to be served. At the counter was a young lady being served and she wanted her consignment to be delivered the next day in the UK at the University of Berth.

Yap this was one of the International Express Courier offices and we all know they are really Express when they get to it. Anyway, the lady serving her informed her that it will only be delivered on Monday, being a Friday. UK couriers do not deliver over the weekends.

My! my! my you should have seen the "been to" in the client.

"Have you ever travelled?" she asked the confused receptionist.
"No" replied the girl.

"You people don't know where the Univ. of Berth is and yet it's well known? She bellowed
"How can they employ people like you?" She continued. ?$&%?/!*

Honestly, I give up. What the **** was she trying to show?

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