Saturday, June 30, 2007

Halfway down the year

We are halfway down the year, I still have not yet gotten a job offer nor another call inviting me to a job interview. My job hunting campaign is now going to be more aggressive. This is how I will embark on it, come 01st July 2007.
  • Increase the number of applications I send out from once a month to four a month; one per week.
  • Do not wait for a post to be advertised. Just send my CV. One day they might just need me.
  • Call up the company ask them whether they are recruiting for their data base - for future use. Inform them that I would like them to include me in their database.
  • Join a club in Kampala like the Rotary club of my area, the Public Relations Association of Uganda, French club, Speakers' Association, Wanainchi tuwonane club and so on. As a job seeker you must be assoicated with a group or club or an association. It must be a credible group/club.
  • Attend conferences that are held in Kampala share my expertise and knowledge whenever possible or when the opportunity arise during recess pop the big question- are you looking for someone to do the job?
  • Grab at any opportunity that may arise about a vacancy somewhere. Check out my neighbour in the taxi or in church anywhere. People I come into contact with should be the starting point.
  • Check out my old phone books and call up my fellow school mates and campus mates, give them my CV and keep checking up on them. You never know, they can recommend to someone or they may one day be on an interview panel.
  • Of course, enrol for a course on Campus, if possible two at the same time: weekend classes at Nkumba then daily evening classes Makerere, if the brain permits a distance learning programme as well.
This is madness you say, but, we all have a certain degree of madness, therefore it is acceptable.
Aggressive it has to be. If it fails then I will need to reconsider Job creation. Ideas anyone?

WHY is it?

When people get rich, they have so many people looking for them?

Teachers are one of the poorly paid people in society?

Women are better money planners and managers but mean bosses to fellow women?

Easy to promise but difficult to deliver?

While young, we were dying to grow older but cannot accept that we are getting older now, as adults?

Customers who break the rules cannot accept that they are in the wrong when caught? They will always pass the buck onto the company.

Women cannot accept their weight/size?

Women need reassurance always?

Men never remember birthdays of their wives nor children?

People have nuggu?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Football mobocracy!

The weekend that was! We made it. We beat the giant Eagles. How great! Personally I did wish we win because we do need some positive International PR after all the negative publicity in the press.
Well, we won and the cheering that was thereafter just needs to be mentioned.
I watched the game from home because of obvious reasons....I would not be able to stand either the loss (in case we lost) or the joy and all the excitement that goes along with it.
It is said that human beings are mad but it's the degree of madness in each of us that differentiates us. Ugandan fans went raving mad! Mad like there was no tomorrow. This modicum of luck that came our way through two penalties was the start of this madness. Fans geared themselves to cheer and cheering is what they did, chanting, shouting, horn blowing with all the paraphernalia to add to the noise. To crown this lunacy some fans ripped off their clothes ripped off revealing you know what...Surely, was all this necessary? Had the world come to an end? Medicine men doing their thing so that Uganda wins? What would have happened if we lost? Dig graves and bury ourselves alive. It is just a game of men kicking a ball from one goal post to another.
We won so what? So why the mobocracy? There are other games to come. We do not need to win only one game, we need to win the final big thing, in this case the CAF cup. What say'all?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Another quitter??

I don't know if there is any other company out there that has experienced several quitters in a short time span like the one I work for. Two months ago we had two staff members throw in their towels and joined another company. News has it that they are the best the new company has ever had. Sales increasing and all! Well last month we had another one quit...yesterday we had yet another quitter. Lord, where are they getting all those jobs or is it me looking in the wrong places? People, please alert me if there is anything out there.

Otherwise, with all this happening am left to wonder whether it is the quitters who cannot stand the heat in the kitchen and have decided to call it quits or is it that the department head does not know how to manage people? Yes, all three quitters are from the same department.

Personally, am left to propose that the SMT(Senior management team)should question the management skills of the Manager or get a new one.